cosmetic regulation in china
cosmetic regulation in china

[RRMA Event] Introduction to Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Rules [CSAR] in China

Event on Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Rules [CSAR] in China

In 2022, China enforced its overarching regulation “Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Rules” (CSAR). Under this regulation, all manufactures of cosmetic ingredients and products need to notify NMPA before manufacturing, importing, and exporting services.


During this webinar, we will introduce you the following points: 

  1. Brief introduction of CSAR regulation 
  2. Compliance requirements for substances listed in inventories of IECIC and IECSC 
  3. Cosmetic safety and technical guidelines 
  4. Transition period 
  5. Post-registration obligations 

[RRMA Event] Exporting cosmetic ingredients to China: Knowing your obligations

[Event] Exporting cosmetic ingredients to China

In China, cosmetic raw ingredients are classified into two categories under the Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation (CSAR): Existing cosmetic ingredients and New cosmetic ingredients. For existing cosmetic ingredients, companies have the notification obligation which includes the submission of an ingredient code. For classifying new cosmetic ingredients, companies must comply via registration or record filling procedure.

In our webinar, we inform you on what both of these obligations imply for businesses, and how you can prepare yourself in the best way!

Our webinar agenda: 

1. Categories of cosmetic ingredients  
2. Submission platform
3. Compliance obligations for existing cosmetic ingredients 
4. Compliance obligations for new cosmetic ingredients 
5. Submission procedure and timeline 

Check our New Certificate course, 'Certified Regulatory Professionals Program' 

Check our New Certificate course, 'Fundamentals in Regulatory Management (Chemicals)'